Tuesday, May 06, 2008

China Globalization or World War

Peter Thiel is a successful entrepreneur/VC and hedge fund manager. His latest contribution titled The Optimistic Thought Experiment, published by Policy Reivew of the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, is a must read for clear thinkers.

Peter thinks only two things can happen from this mad global inflation. Either China succeed in globalization (supressing the global inflation by continuing to provide cheap labor/products/ services -- the great deflation effect), or an apocalyptic world war will surfaced where everyone fight for natural resources to end all inflation and start from scratch, an act like that of the natural forrest fire cleansing itself from excess growth.

I like to believe China will success in their globalization. It's not going to be an easy feast, as inflation is also affecting China's own economy, and Renminbi is growing stronger y-o-y. All these have negative impacts on China to deliver the deflation effect. But, I think they can do it, or at least I would like to think...


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